Friday, March 27, 2009

Madison no loger answers no to everything. Her new favorite word is Yah. When ever I tell her I love her it's yah mom. Yesterday Aunt Ashlee watched here and took her to visit her mom at work. Everyone loved her and someone even asked her if she wanted a pice of candy and of course her answer was yah. You may think that is a normal answer but when Madison says it she does not get excited at all. When she says yah it seems like it is killing her just to say it. Another of her favorite saying right now is NO momma. Sometimes I think if I here those two words out of your mouth agian I just might scream.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A baby Boy.

We just found out today that Darren's brother Will and Ashlee are having a baby boy. Madison will finally have a cousin on the May side of the family and it is going to be a boy. We cann't wait until Aug.

Again, Again.

Monday Darren and I took Madison shopping at the mall. Darren decided he needed some new shirts so we went shopping. Well I parked at Sears and we went in where the tools are. To get to the other stores you have to go up the escalator. Darren asked me if Madison had ever been on one I said yes but I don't know if she remebers being on one. I have not been to the mall for a long time so I could not remember. Aparently she did not remember it. When we got to the top she said she wanted to go again. She really loved riding the escalator. When I told her we could not go again until we were done shopping she was very upset. Of course Daddy was embarased because his child was throwing a fit in public, I was also embarased but I guess kids will be kids. Darren and I ended up laughing about the fact that our child was not mad because we would not buy her something she wanted, she was upset that she could not ride the escalator all day long. So I have learned a very valuable lesson do not take Madison near an escalator unless you are leaving or want to ride one all day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Picture Day

I took Madison to get her 2 year pictures taken today she is growing up way to fast. Here is our little cowgirl.

Sitting pretty
She definatley liked the chair

Smile pretty

Yea that's right I'm 2