Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mommy I sleep good!

Madison and I went to Sam's house today since Darren had to work and Chip was gone all day we decided to spend the day together. Madison and Macey laid down to take there naps and a few hours later I heard Madison knocking on her door, when I opened it up she said I sleep good Mommy.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Mommy and Madison

Darren was gone thiseavning so Madison and I spent some fun time together. First we went to the park where Madiosn had a ball going down the big slide. I asked her if she was ready to leave after a while and she said yeah ice cream. I had not said anything about going and getting ice cream so I don' t knwo where that came from. Since she asked so nicely we went and got ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Then we came back home and played outside for a while. Finally I decided that we would go do our shopping that I had been puting off since it was so nice outside. First we stoped at TSC, I have been trying to find Madison a new pair of cowboy boots since she has outgrown all of her other boots. I was excited to find they had baby chicks there for sale. Madison has never seen a baby chick before so she got to pet them and of course she had to see insided every container that had baby chicks in. We made a few more stops then headed home to see Daddy.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Madison woke up this morning and the first thing she asked Darren when he went to get her up was "Easter come?" Lastnight Madison and I got out the easter baskets and put them on the table. Explained to her that if we leave them there the Easter Bunny will come and leave stuff in her basket so she was waiting all night. She went strait to her basket this morning to see what he left her. Then we waited on Aunt Ashlee and Uncle Willy to come over and watch her hut eggs outside. She had a blast and we had fun watching her.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Potty training

I am happy to say Madison is almost potty trained. All of the sudden it finally clicked last week. Yesterday she only had two accidents. Today I was even brave enough to leave her in her underware for her nap. She did great. She is still wearing diapers for bed and pull ups at work. I am afraid that she might have an accident at work and their entire house has carpet in it so for now I can deal with putting pullups on her. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that she keeps being a big girl. I am so proud of her.